Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Authoritarian Government for the Philippines

Closing Government, Rebuttal research Motion: â€Å"This house believes that an authoritarian government will help the Philippines progress. † I. Expected Argument â€Å"The form of government doesn’t matter and the progress of the country will depend on the kind of leader we have as a president. † II. Counter-Argument â€Å"Unlike in other forms of the government, the authoritarian form of government allows us to make a standard to what kind of leader is best for our country. † III. Explanation Since the authoritarian government aims for a person single-handedly leading our country, all citizens must adhere and go by the ideals set by the leader himself. The only time the country will be in chaos during an authoritarian regime is when the citizens don’t agree with the leader. This can be solved by a very strict criteria and standard of what kind of leader our president should be. The standards can be ranged from what kind of school he graduated from, to experiences in leadership. Being a leader of a country is not simply a face who everybody recognizes from television or somebody who bribes and cheats his way into position. Setting a standard is faster and more possible when we have an authoritarian government. Other governments have to be associated and linked with â€Å"freedom†, and so it is rarely possible to set a specific standard for electing a president because they promote independence and freedom of whomever wants to be a president. It is most likely that there could be an unsuitable leader that is elected to be president in a democratic form of government (because it is â€Å"everybody’s ball game†, quoted from my father) – that is the reason why until now, Filipinos are still protesting about our presidents and how they do not do anything to solve our problems. When we have a proper judgement of who to elect leader, we can have a more disciplined nation, economy follows right after because when we have a leader with one single vision to improve on our problems, the processes can be faster. The standard set can reflect how much our president can help us with our economy. Stocks can go higher, we can export more high priority local goods, and we can improve on our nationalism at the same time. We have to put our electoral nominees to the test so that we can have a more progressive country in terms of economy. IV. Examples In a smaller scale, the application of an authoritarian government can be associated with how one runs a company with the president as the CEO, and the different local governments in our country as the different departments in an office building. In a publicly owned company, the CEO must be a good role model to his employees in order to make them do their job properly. The CEO must provide the needs of the employees and in turn, the employees give their hard work and talent in their business. Trust is therefore developed and it makes running the business flow easily. When people choose a CEO, they do not just choose out of a whim. They pick people who are trained specially for the position and they have a guideline on who to assign the position of CEO or any other big name in a company. Effective CEOs are those who amidst crisis, can still maintain the stock prices and make them the same amount as every normal day. However, when they appoint a bad CEO, it can be seen when the stocks drop low for about 40 to 50% even when there is no serious problem. In that case, he should really be ousted. Singapore, having an authoritarian government led by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has an economy relatively corruption free and has one of the highest GDPs (Gross Domestic Products) in the world. It would not have been possible to have such a successful economy if not for such a qualified Prime Minister for their country. I believe that it is possible for it to happen in our country, the Philippines, as long as we have a specific guideline and criteria in nomitating and electing our country’s leader. V. Sources 1) â€Å"Country Rankings. † (accessed January 20, 2012) http://www. heritage. org/index/Ranking. aspx 2) Huff, W. G. â€Å"Cambridge Journal of Economics. † (accessed January 23, 2012) http://cje. oxfordjournals. org/content/19/6/735. abstract

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